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What is atopic dermatitis and how does it affect your sleep?

What is atopic dermatitis and how does it affect your sleep?

Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis can have profound negative effects on sleep patterns. According to the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA), it is estimated that 10% of people from Spain suffer from atopic dermatitis, being only one of other similar ailments that affect sleep. Let's look at how this condition affects sleep.

What Is Atopic Dermatitis?

This is a skin disorder that causes dry, itchy skin. Usually, it affects young children, but it can also affect adults. This condition is also sometimes referred to as eczema. People with this disorder are often left with uncomfortable and even painful patches of dry skin. These patches can be more irritated at bedtime, especially for children. This can lead to sleep difficulties.

How Is Sleep Affected?

It is estimated that 40% of people with skin disorders find that the condition disturbs rest on a regular basis. The persistent need to scratch the skin is already uncomfortable in order to get adequate rest, which ends up interfering with sleep. Severe skin injuries can also occur, causing a genuine impact on quality of life.

What Are the Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation resulting from atopic dermatitis can affect every aspect of life. For many, it can have a negative effect on the next day's performance at work or school. Beyond that, prolonged sleep deprivation can start to wear away at someone's mental health as well. Mood regulation is dependent upon rest. When a person isn't getting adequate rest, they can't regulate their moods. This can then start to have negative effects on relationships and other aspects of life.

Another consequence of sleep deprivation is that immune function goes downhill. A person is more susceptible to infections and sickness when they aren't getting enough rest. Over time this can start to really take a toll on health overall.

What Can Be Done?

For people who are suffering from atopic dermatitis, it's important to find relief for sleep issues. One solution can be to use hypoallergenic bed sheets. These types of sheets cut down on the instances of irritants on the skin. Atopic dermatitis makes skin ultra-sensitive to irritants. Another solution can be to use skin products to relieve symptoms right before bed.

These are just a few ways atopic dermatitis can affect sleep. If you'd like to learn more about hypoallergenic bed sheets, please check out our products.

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