Legal notice Bedding Industrial
The website and domain are the property of Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L. with Tax ID No. B-55.017.495, registered address at Polígon Industrial Begudà, C/ Molí, s/n Parc 11/12 del 17857 de Sant Joan Les Fonts in the province of GIRONA, Spain, e-mail [email protected]. Registered in the Companies Register of Girona Volume 501, Book 339, Folio 47, Section 4a, Page 8570, Entry 3a.
Intellectual and industrial property
The content of this website, including text, images and graphics are the property of Bedding Industrial, S.L., or of authorised third parties. This content is presented for information and publicity purposes. Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L. authorises its use for these purposes only. Any use of the designs, images or text is subject to the express authorisation of Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L, who reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal action for losses incurred as a result of any act violating its intellectual or industrial property rights.
The content of this website may not be used in any windows outside (framing).
Protecció de dades
Personal data collected using this website’s contact form or from receiving e-mails are subject to strict confidentiality and shall only be used to respond to information requests and enquiries. Data shall only be incorporated into a file in the event of the establishment of a business relationship between Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L and the person in question, and shall always be subject to their prior knowledge.
Liability for content
Although Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L, acts as expeditiously as possible, in some cases data or information may not be up to date when the user consults the website. Therefore Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L, states that references to products and prices shown on its website are for illustrative purposes only and do not place any obligations on Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L. until the express confirmation of an order. Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L. Reserves the right to amend the appearance, layout and content of the website at any time and without prior notice.
Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L. shall not be responsible for information which may be obtained from links included in this website.
Use of cookies
Bedding Industrial Begudà, S.L informs users that this website does not use cookies in its internal operational processes.
Conditions of use
The use of this website implies the full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice. Any possible conflict relating to this website shall be governed solely by Spanish law. All website users, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which access occurs, shall comply with and accept these clauses and expressly waive any other privileges that may correspond to them.